Obama’s Scandal: THAT’S THE ONE

Bob: “Hey Jim, did you hear about the Obama administration scandal? Jim: “You mean the Mexican gun running?” Bob: “No, the other one.” Jim: “You mean SEAL Team 6?” Bob: “No, the other one.” Jim: “Obama saying the avg family would save $2,500 on their premiums?” Bob: “No, the other one.” Jim: “Forcing businesses to […]

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Where’s Walter?

President Obama goes to a primary school to talk to the kids. After his talk he offers question time. One little boy puts up his hand, and Obama asks him his name. Walter, responds the little boy. And what is your question, Walter? I have four questions: First, why did the USA bomb Libya without the […]

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Obamacare Jokes

Exhausted and ill from the effort of enacting the Obama healthcare plan, an elderly Senator goes to the doctor. Doctor says, “I have bad news, good news, and bad news, Senator. The bad news is that you only have six months to live. But the good news is that there’s an operation that is 100% […]

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Got My ObamaCare Packet Today

I wanted to let you know that earlier today I received my “ObamaCare Enrollment Packet” from the White House. It contained: • An aspirin and a Band-Aid; • An ‘Obama Hope & Change’ bumper sticker; • A ‘Bush’s Fault’ yard sign; • A ‘Blame Republicans First’, then ‘Blame Anybody and Everybody’ poster; • A ‘Tax […]

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I-65 Closing for Coal Transport

I-65 Closing for Coal Transport I-65 will be closed tomorrow across Tennessee and Kentucky. They are hauling a 200 ton lump of coal to Mount Rushmore in South Dakota so they can add Barack Hussein Obama to the Mount Rushmore monument. B. H. Obama has stated on national TV that he believes himself to be […]

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ObamaCare……The Top Ten Indicators Your Employer has changed to the Obama Care Program.

ObamaCare……The Top Ten Indicators Your Employer has changed to the Obama Care Program. (10) Your annual breast exam is done at Hooters. (9) Directions to your doctor’s office include “Take a left when you enter the trailer park.” (8) The tongue depressors taste faintly of Fudgesicles. (7) The only proctologist in the plan is “Gus” from Roto-Rooter. […]

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